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IBM Converts Its Patents to NFT Tokens

Lidia Ossinger

The technology giant with the broadest patent base did not stay away from the wave of popularity of NFT tokenization. The company decided to use the opportunity to convert intellectual property into NFT tokens to simplify the sale, exchange and monetization of its patents.

IBM tokenized its patents into non-fungible tokens (NFT) in collaboration with the IPwe patent blockchain platform. The company believes that the tokenization of their intellectual property will help simplify patent transactions, as well as add liquidity to this asset class for investors and innovators.

IPwe is the first global patent marketplace that gathers and brings together information and tools to identify, research, evaluate and transact patents. The company has offices in more than 50 countries and operates in Europe, Asia, North and South America.

NFT patent tokens will be built on the IBM Blockchain and hosted on the IBM Cloud and IPwe platforms. IPwe expects the non-fungible tokens of tech giants IBM to become obtainable on the platform towards the end of 2021.