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9 cryptocurrencies will show explosive power In May 2021

Lidia Ossinger

Crypto-trader Austin Arnold named nine crypto-assets, which, according to him, in May this year can expect an explosive rate growth. The first asset, about which Apnold described in a new video, became the flagship cryptocurrency Bitcoin.

The analyst emphasizes that an asset with a trillion dollars of capitalization attracts institutional investors and is pushed with a growing mass media. This is confirmed by the fact that the American U.S Bank announced the storage of the asset, and Tesla General Director, Elon Musk, and Twitter General Director, Jack Dorsey, continue to publish the release.

The second asset in the trader’s list is the second cryptocurrency in terms of the market capitalization, Ethereum (ETH). Ethereum looks great, from the point of view of fundamentals, technical analysis and the history of development. The trader noted that the asset that manages the platform of smart-contacts comes with an undersupply, since in ETH 2.0 all more ETH is blocked.

The third coin, about which Arnold mentions is Polygon (MATIC), the solution token for scaling up level 2 for Ethereum, which is directed towards reducing the load of Ethereum on the network. MATIC has risen sharply in value in the last 7 days, increased by more than 100%.

Next on the list is the Ethereum competition Cardano (ADA), which has a partnership with the Ethiopian government. The moods around Cardano cannot be ignored, they largely determine the price of the cryptocurrency. The trader added that in the Altcoin Dail survey, the main competitor of Ethereum named the Cardano blockchain by the overwhelming number of votes.

Next comes Binance Coin (BNB), which is used to compose trading commissions. In addition, the Binance team has announced that in June it will launch an in-house platform for non-fungible tokens (NFT), which will allow the BNB to take part in the growing segment.

The upcoming opacule project Chainlink (LINK) takes sixth place in Arnold’s list. He believes that Chainlink can work with any blockchain and is the oracle for the price of the cryptocurrency for almost everyone. Arnold also thinks that LINK looks good from the standpoint of technical analysis.

Seventh place in the trader’s list went to VeChain (VET), which transformed to what the people need, in Arnold’s words, by providing non-fungible tokens (NFT) and playing on the growing popularity of unique digitized and produced game assets and other things.

Aave takes the eighth place because it aims to integrate into its Decentralized Financing Platform (DeFi) of the previous farm, prompting users to switch to the platform v2.

Lastly, Arnold has highlighted the Injective Protocol (INF), which in its essence is a decentralized version of Robinhood with the support of the crypto fund Pantera Capital and the stars Shark Tank by Mark Cuban.